Pool Hashrate

4.65 TH/s



Miners: 116 Workers: 395
Net Hashrate 7.41 TH/s
Network Difficulty 7.98 T
Block value $0.02
Block Height:
Block time: 1 Seconds
Est time to find block 1s /
Algorithm: WalaHash Fee: 1%
{{ $t('myStats.lblRoundEffort') }} {{ roundEffortPercentage !== null ? (roundEffortPercentage * 100).toFixed(2) + '%' : 'N/A' }}
Avg Effort 136%
Earnings: PPLNSBF Min Pay : 2 WALA
Pool Wallet waglayla:q
Super effort Good effort 100% Unlucky effort Bad effort

Stratum Servers

au au.mining4people.com
br br.mining4people.com
eu eu.mining4people.com
in in.mining4people.com
jp jp.mining4people.com
us-west us-west.mining4people.com
us-cent us-cent.mining4people.com
us-east us-east.mining4people.com

Secured Connection
23361 8H
33361 64H

Not Secured Connection
3361 8H
13361 64H
43361 1.02 K


Supported on all ports.


MMr supported on ports: 3361, 13361, 43361

How to Start


Mining on Windows GPU

  • Download SRBMiner for Windows
  • Extract the archive and run the command below, replacing YOUR_WALLET_ADDRESS with your Waglayla address. If you don't know your address, read this section first.
  • If you are mining on multiple machines/rigs, you can append an identifier of your choice to your wallet address seperated by a dot, to receive per-rig performance metrics on your dashboard. Example: <WALLET ADDRESS>>
SRBMiner-MULTI.exe --disable-cpu --algorithm walahash --pool stratum+tcp://eu.mining4people.com:3361 --wallet YOUR_WALLET_ADDRESS --password x

Mining on Linux GPU

  • Download SRBMiner for Linux
  • Extract the archive and run the command below, replacing YOUR_WALLET_ADDRESS with your Waglayla address. If you don't know your address, read this section first.
  • If you are mining on multiple machines/rigs, you can append an identifier of your choice to your wallet address seperated by a dot, to receive per-rig performance metrics on your dashboard. Example: <WALLET ADDRESS>>
./SRBMiner-MULTI --disable-cpu --algorithm walahash --pool stratum+tcp://eu.mining4people.com:3361 --wallet YOUR_WALLET_ADDRESS --password x

Mining on Hive Hive OS

  1. Click the flight sheet JSON below
  2. Go to Hive OS-farm (page that shows all workers)
  3. Click on Flight Sheets tab
  4. Click on Import from Clipboard
  5. Create Flight Sheet and add wallet
  6. Run flight sheet on workers!
{ "name": "M4P-Waglayla", "isFavorite": true, "items": [{ "coin": "wala", "pool_ssl": false, "dpool_ssl": false, "miner": "custom", "miner_alt": "srbminer_custom", "miner_config": { "url": "eu.mining4people.com", "algo": "walahash", "pass": "", "miner": "srbminer_custom", "template": "%WAL%", "install_url": "https://github.com/doktor8/SRBMiner-MULTI/releases/download/2.7.4/srbminer_custom-2.7.4.tar.gz", "user_config": "--algorithm walahash --disable-cpu --pool eu.mining4people.com:3361 --wallet %WAL%.%WORKER_NAME% --password x" }, "pool_geo": [{ "url": "eu.mining4people.com:3361", "geo": "EU" }, { "url": "br.mining4people.com:3361", "geo": "BR" }, { "url": "us.mining4people.com:3361", "geo": "US" }, { "url": "in.mining4people.com:3361", "geo": "IN" }, { "url": "asia.mining4people.com:3361", "geo": "JP" }] }] }

Getting a Wallet

Before you can start to mine you need to create a wallet. Although Waglayla is an entirely digital asset, you still need a place to store them. This is done in a digital wallet. There are multiple methods to obtain a wallet which vary by ease of use and the security they provide.

Official Wallets

Official first-party Wallets for all major platforms are available from the Waglayla Github. These wallets are released and maintained by the Waglayla Team.

Coin Info

Miner Hashrate
waglayla:qq332zh7hytrl8rcnczdm4m7uhv53472yvdy9nuqtg8qra7pr9aew00hltyj2 2.49 TH/s
waglayla:qqj36ua4nw3uryknlgrq7amq7wm27cyxd3vc03epxpw9vvk4jy4uuy0xrkstc 365.59 GH/s
waglayla:qzx6apsjk4xyzexye3q6g9070pumsm3vujdp5ksxr96av65fa0jfqgpx4x530 244.46 GH/s
waglayla:qzdlmy3wf50euzpzxm6yqp4rp2kh962l5g0w9gqd82rh8y9t204mzm4tjwq4a 142.26 GH/s
waglayla:qzxlslv3wty5rjc92980ajp3wmttxsqu0l4cktr70423xycauzvskd8r0tgll 90.86 GH/s
waglayla:qqnyv4uffqq4t8zj6jukw5kkdwdl2m46kfunastn5aumsrqaa850wh4hgexhv 81.60 GH/s
waglayla:qz4tjms2hlfxnue6wu3jtt4z69nd55p8vwzv3jtlxedy2c97asv3spz46pm9g 73.90 GH/s
waglayla:qprph7xd8kw87x8qxu655vngc2pw7m2pqcsnggjej7w4h0l3peh0khp9a36dm 52.10 GH/s
waglayla:qrxqqlc946ufl0dkjnz3qysxywrj44znswren2xfkyye672wketw2tsamnzrf 51.13 GH/s
waglayla:qpqe828aczrxp7gv9lgq3lpskvcr070hs68xzy6famm7khha0ldq7mgpte98l 46.46 GH/s
waglayla:qzfs0h7s253rct4q350hlj2ujk9cevcyfkdhvavq239ey830qrd22jcqy6kqt 44.61 GH/s
waglayla:qq793esr805ucv4rgpxljz636ljznerpflkg74tu9jdh2zr62djm70slpwff0 39.16 GH/s
waglayla:qp5us6eeeqzzyygr7x4kyy3d7ykuez0qg4993svjtuzfgzzxu9jw20hfvzxvc 37.21 GH/s
waglayla:qpumn508kqyapz5myhk45wj9mxt52v2dpmwft8l7jx8q7yjff42t7gllvvlsz 35.82 GH/s
waglayla:qzma08fsrd0pezjhw5p9asdf0360dk9t45mwcgxetac9ftkft5qcv8x6yxxfv 33.61 GH/s
waglayla:qz4w7c6lxhnqhc22gm0nne40x4l292lf5phkwl2tp5lavuz8rfwnw0hu2e4sf 33.54 GH/s
waglayla:qq59hlrw6gccrjkac7cltz5xyc29u40prvc9xtzk6wmfksag3yexwpd0lgctq 33.34 GH/s
waglayla:qrhe6kyltske3lu505tntt4rpw9dccz094why4rmcph79lrdhvhg234t9dcgn 32.71 GH/s
waglayla:qrknjh3kjsllkh9surxjxunk2ua7pq4xq8crs8pp6gyx48znj0recxzjatsxp 30.70 GH/s
waglayla:qzff44d3e3j8q6h0xslmapxqfqzqf2thj63dsxprudx5vl48cv9hyj4ncy2s7 30.31 GH/s
waglayla:qrhz3fxrvp9eptpqc3q4yrq35pe00y62nvfrnjq99254ywt4sxjdjz2a38eh0 29.43 GH/s
waglayla:qzjgrtqleh60zrlag37n07plv8zd5ggq3cfztaka8egjxyn40lxhj5uum4hpq 27.01 GH/s
waglayla:qqs59qxjw0mpx08qs2973l97wrckc220sparzhtlexv5wm5a38x3u8ajkmsqg 24.45 GH/s
waglayla:qqzhv50m4duah7q82du94xwzud6sf74p89a62yxf5ejz0ncrex8557w4csjv7 22.74 GH/s
waglayla:qqqd4f44zwfveh8sy0g4m3qql4tq9hszrra0fnvx4wpnjzjptnrew4jtjdxtn 20.33 GH/s
{{ msg.time }} -