
-6.31% 24h
Pool Hashrate

Miners: 38 Workers: 57
Net Hashrate 21.20 GH/s
Network Difficulty 110.29
Block value $0.08
Block Height:
Block time: 20 Seconds
Est time to find block 0s
Algorithm: Memehash Fee: 1%
{{ $t('myStats.lblRoundEffort') }} {{ roundEffortPercentage !== null ? (roundEffortPercentage * 100).toFixed(2) + '%' : 'N/A' }}
Avg Effort 99%
Earnings: PPLNSBF Min Pay : 2500 PEPEW
Pool Wallet PBS5YCBSt9

Stratum Servers


Secured Connection
24176 0.1
34176 1

Not Secured Connection
4176 0.1
14176 1


Supported on all ports.


MMr supported on ports: 4176, 14176

How to Start

Mining on Windows GPU

  • Download SRBMiner for Windows
  • Extract the archive and run the command below, replacing YOUR_WALLET_ADDRESS with your Pepe Pow address. If you don't know your address, read this section first.
  • If you are mining on multiple machines/rigs, you can append an identifier of your choice to your wallet address seperated by a dot, to receive per-rig performance metrics on your dashboard. Example: <WALLET ADDRESS>>
SRBMiner.exe --disable-cpu --algorithm memehash --pool stratum+tcp:// --wallet YOUR_WALLET_ADDRESS --password x

Mining on Linux GPU

  • Download SRBMiner for Linux
  • Extract the archive and run the command below, replacing YOUR_WALLET_ADDRESS with your Pepe Pow address. If you don't know your address, read this section first.
  • If you are mining on multiple machines/rigs, you can append an identifier of your choice to your wallet address seperated by a dot, to receive per-rig performance metrics on your dashboard. Example: <WALLET ADDRESS>>
./SRBMiner --disable-cpu --algorithm memehash --pool stratum+tcp:// --wallet YOUR_WALLET_ADDRESS --password x

Mining on Hive Hive OS

  1. Click the flight sheet JSON below
  2. Go to Hive OS-farm (page that shows all workers)
  3. Click on Flight Sheets tab
  4. Click on Import from Clipboard
  5. Create Flight Sheet and add wallet
  6. Run flight sheet on workers!
{ "name": "M4P-Pepe Pow", "isFavorite": true, "items": [{ "coin": "pepew", "pool_ssl": false, "dpool_ssl": false, "miner": "custom", "miner_alt": "srbminer_custom", "miner_config": { "url": "", "algo": "memehash", "pass": "", "miner": "srbminer_custom", "template": "%WAL%", "install_url": "", "user_config": "--algorithm memehash --disable-cpu --pool --wallet %WAL%.%WORKER_NAME% --password x" }, "pool_geo": [{ "url": "", "geo": "FI" }, { "url": "", "geo": "BR" }, { "url": "", "geo": "US" }, { "url": "", "geo": "IN" }, { "url": "", "geo": "DE" }, { "url": "", "geo": "AU" }, { "url": "", "geo": "SG" }] }] }

Getting a Wallet

Before you can start to mine you need to create a wallet. Although PePeCoin is an entirely digital asset, you still need a place to store them. This is done in a digital wallet. There are multiple methods to obtain a wallet which vary by ease of use and the security they provide.

Official Wallets

Official first-party Wallets for all major platforms are available from the PePeCoin Github. These wallets are released and maintained by the PePeCoin Team.

Coin Info

Miner Hashrate
PLm8d3uNjsGJrUBfFXXpeMqVBSqAZSH8TV 4.35 GH/s
PTP46YEAcxKXgcooVtMrJoEVrai2v3QJyg 868.24 MH/s
PHE6GVtmb6brbMViXHuYu1E9xbSH6RmuhZ 654.99 MH/s
PVM1WT4Zd2cHPZAs1UmZQM7f2xSi9wGiyz 615.43 MH/s
PTMtxx4j2DjCeDmyj83FRKZV3R9EYBWW4L 484.49 MH/s
PBjRDdayMHUw4AK6zutZw6QTQ7JvtbVKnZ 445.20 MH/s
PDHarGHEmG7P43M81FGNZypCxHnXz69cPW 408.31 MH/s
PTxTibSzj4jwAjdtDDFjqrgijWpFUkuqps 346.47 MH/s
PVHUdaKHpQEdJ61DHDeNdRtBNwMhFpeA5v 336.93 MH/s
PQNyAjhiag8TQPKYCLqbSGi2W9qnxTdAeP 281.60 MH/s
PGVqgFd9jf2C4rPrscevA89dWCmpCTJ4FB 280.78 MH/s
PJ1JE8vVZxK6y2NmdBbZgoEVr6TuByRhLK 226.79 MH/s
PTa3BLE7WXvmfXaD4bk15YepNTALZuZCTT 206.88 MH/s
PNWShsciu2LtMj3i9h8oJd4ZXhxkg2jNV9 191.01 MH/s
PCpmJ3V2c3P567n2H1rF82VctS3jBzUihy 183.94 MH/s
PSBj38yyqp7GnLPmv4o5N6hGBacB9PSo5V 174.21 MH/s
PSaWzoBhdsnSwifxfJ4AbpvuL4qkRp6Gn9 134.78 MH/s
P9Tdanmhpniy44UsnPVUrupXWiQfVu4yDU 132.60 MH/s
PP3XMXpb8rVBXPNaB4zi9LC2ra61Vqng41 129.79 MH/s
PEBy2aEHDScmFt8mQ3duNMGZhStmsNnj6q 108.30 MH/s
PHSt3p5wQzL4ZK45VLqLPeVrrBZtAwwbkG 105.77 MH/s
PRYhFpX9T9UVWRCYGC1uRwZdgJ9w83yoCy 98.29 MH/s
PFsa5pHaEr2LS9MHSDBGmv6R4Twz1EfkHS 83.81 MH/s
PCoxHvZz6SPnNVmrvahZvFzxeHSnSZTZzx 80.29 MH/s
P95ZHzfEheavCmLLX2dhrJgCQ488EtBKJ7 76.10 MH/s
PFGc9EevnZz8PMkQ86vGbQGRJzEXv4MrP7 69.68 MH/s
PAYHb7m65QLM2aS6xMAJhj441zPF9KBYtz 62.89 MH/s
PSUoQJKDf8pQ1nLjRzQafPDTf8gCPDheuv 43.03 MH/s
PHgqhP4wdXxP1crtpwMeopW2t49w8YyeyD 37.39 MH/s
PGuFyd2srpDrDHDt3uSHfjuJcPqPiTAFBa 26.67 MH/s
PWqji1VkmYKRdNCEPFiZXxQbUV7Ew6QPCn 20.99 MH/s
PPvNY8GGwpTv1W2PbJhcqsZRyTXiYnQkf3 18.30 MH/s
PREb9fC3KPqSSsf3SASMZxvkD4pJ1cMCtA 8.78 MH/s
PEMhLwdFHqsNTBrTcqdogQRCfgNjb1MK2y 5.37 MH/s
PAs79bLs7Q8ENubJzHoMxqj8BiLjinzsus 3.36 MH/s
PKxiAuBnRRknvt714k1UqNhVZ6PzE85enY 1.19 MH/s
PKTAvDTKK1esE9NuAvZWqhSWA46NfJmw7h 375.34 KH/s
P8yQN61YdZUoHcNc3y5xqHVFT9TwKivvhH 334.05 KH/s
PSjm9onqu3zARfr2LjQGTBBeqivjpSFVmf 144.13 KH/s
{{ msg.time }} -