Pool Hashrate



Miners: 12 Workers: 19
Net Hashrate 18.62 TH/s
Network Difficulty 18.1 T
Block value $0.01
Block Height:
Block time: 1 Seconds
Est time to find block 51s
Algorithm: Pyrinhash Fee: 2%
{{ $t('myStats.lblRoundEffort') }} {{ roundEffortPercentage !== null ? (roundEffortPercentage * 100).toFixed(2) + '%' : 'N/A' }}
Avg Effort 102%
Earnings: PPLNSBF70 Min Pay : 20 HTN
Pool Wallet hoosat:qpu

Stratum Servers

br br.mining4people.com
eu eu.mining4people.com
fi fi.mining4people.com
in in.mining4people.com
na na.mining4people.com
sg sg.mining4people.com

Secured Connection
23391 16H
33391 64H

Not Secured Connection
3391 16H
13391 64H
43391 1.02 K


Supported on all ports.


MMr supported on ports: 3391, 13391, 43391

How to Start Nvidia AMD

Mining on Windows Nvidia AMD

  • Download lolMiner for Windows
  • Extract the archive and run the command below, replacing YOUR_WALLET_ADDRESS with your Hoosat address. If you don't know your address, read this section first.
  • If you are mining on multiple machines/rigs, you can append an identifier of your choice to your wallet address seperated by a dot, to receive per-rig performance metrics on your dashboard. Example: <WALLET ADDRESS>.<WORKERNAME>
lolMiner.exe --algo PYRIN --pool fi.mining4people.com:3391 --user YOUR_WALLET_ADDRESS.WORKER_NAME

Mining on Linux Nvidia AMD

  • Download lolMiner for Linux
  • Extract the archive and run the command below, replacing YOUR_WALLET_ADDRESS with your Hoosat address. If you don't know your address, read this section first.
  • If you are mining on multiple machines/rigs, you can append an identifier of your choice to your wallet address seperated by a dot, to receive per-rig performance metrics on your dashboard. Example: <WALLET ADDRESS>.<WORKERNAME>
./lolMiner --algo PYRIN --pool fi.mining4people.com:3391 --user YOUR_WALLET_ADDRESS.WORKER_NAME

Mining on Hive Hive OS

  1. Click the flight sheet JSON below
  2. Go to Hive OS-farm (page that shows all workers)
  3. Click on Flight Sheets tab
  4. Click on Import from Clipboard
  5. Create Flight Sheet and add wallet
  6. Run flight sheet on workers!
{"name":"M4P-Hoosat","isFavorite":true,"items":[{"coin":"htn","pool_ssl":false,"dpool_ssl":false, "miner":"lolminer","miner_config":{"algo":"pyrin","template":"%WAL%.%WORKER_NAME%","tls":"0", "server":"fi.mining4people.com","port":"3391","pass":"x"},"pool_geo":[{"url": "fi.mining4people.com:3391", "geo": "FI"},{"url": "br.mining4people.com:3391", "geo": "BR"},{"url": "us.mining4people.com:3391", "geo": "US"},{"url": "in.mining4people.com:3391", "geo": "IN"},{"url": "eu.mining4people.com:3391", "geo": "EU"},{"url": "sg.mining4people.com:3391", "geo": "SG"}]}]}

Getting a Wallet

Before you can start to mine you need to create a wallet. Although Hoosat is an entirely digital asset, you still need a place to store them. This is done in a digital wallet. There are multiple methods to obtain a wallet which vary by ease of use and the security they provide.

Official Wallets

Official first-party Wallets for all major platforms are available from the Hoosat Github. These wallets are released and maintained by the Hoosat Team.

Coin Info

Miner Hashrate
hoosat:qrq3y6gmvdl7l4nkrptp2rznclp8xfpft40k3255tujju83z49m5xx4ga2e98 83.43 GH/s
hoosat:qrruepw2lly0fumqgn34mjutyv9gzcnmyn70kuqfeavh0zdj98mc52g6qtj4t 62.13 GH/s
hoosat:qqkxhxpk38gm4lkvkf7n5usv39d3877n7etrcl57skdf4geckxm3knnlvzaul 45.94 GH/s
hoosat:qra5ht4awkvz6ufxm05tjlq05j4nmcnyaht0dy7zkq4dqvrw7jkgk445gh7tu 45.48 GH/s
hoosat:qzz7xy8mma2jxqq8lchz6vhvxkkdvanq5xd2enxwnrp34ua929lncwh6suj4u 41.41 GH/s
hoosat:qpgyktkneg7r9hlkrwerc2rakppmk42dtrjghsxpx69neneze5mv2ttqhlt37 17.60 GH/s
hoosat:qzj7gtkgx7xuvp75wukeqfk8nsj73padvm7f3hsufkjgqz9x346svkyajmuyy 17.04 GH/s
hoosat:qzd4s3kccdvzlm74pmkmqggswdqkd4d4y2xwzpq22htx7vvye5h5583p9j6ak 16.91 GH/s
hoosat:qzhzx92r0ekrd9hcr5dpw0zp66ma8pe93xsf9fsyuzktca6fq6df2kw0jehcd 15.08 GH/s
hoosat:qz63esulf0646tr6hh46c579yac55zljnh9wls2xppxj88sqpg5fupg4vw7zl 13.95 GH/s
hoosat:qqf7w6lztdaayfjy6ustxcfv283rw0ngjgyjyyqksxgtzkqgcu4rz36ernzeq 8.57 GH/s
hoosat:qqtw54fdteaq7c0xhf65dk4akwna35sfky4nrd6qwqlk86zt699e5y74fpmhq 4.41 GH/s
hoosat:qrywl76enm6tnulu9gkzgesxa55ev6rz6cmluuss7jchaxdy4m8ns655ue9rm 4.08 GH/s
hoosat:qrnlc2lr7jjzqekups5jky0shszsm7egwqmzvs2mvhn7qhwwqujxcelahqtk7 4.02 GH/s
hoosat:qptyqcpejd4x2u6sztpryf7e9ppn4cc7vuuj45atx5rzzt6dmh89sud5nvlne 3.25 GH/s
hoosat:qqdcume23p4e068y87kzcf5w5escsg42954hrysdajqhdszzvdu3q4p42auks 3.02 GH/s
hoosat:qq3rrury858sq499alrphn3x6wa7s82pmwldpl6h8wjhgn3uhdjwqm5ydeyjn 2.17 GH/s
hoosat:qp2qy3xytr3rjgtjrfxa6q6jmcrzs7cxceneqegfurmq7xrqmlxzyjs782rvu 1.21 GH/s
hoosat:qrq2frlvcpguz75wzjckj3wnkckaade04e26ykcv28tnantuudfe7wz8c6k3a 1.05 GH/s
hoosat:qzyhfarsgcw026lcrejmyw8mu3hegz6df2c63c3mqr98utlhe7qpsgg8euwzn 505.84 MH/s
{{ msg.time }} -